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Welcome to my website

I am eschewing web builders and designers and having a go myself using Squarespace. Yes I know they are web builders and designers but they make you do much of the work. Many clients are enthralled by the potential of e-book publishing, as are most of us. My view is that unless you blog, tweet and have a website it is not worth putting yet another book into the unrarified ether. So, I decided to do it myself. Hence this website. The photo is me and the lovely Anais, my second grandchild, at a family picnic on Primrose Hill. You could have a pic of me at the London Screenwriters' Festival, but you might have expected that.

References (2)

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Reader Comments (1)

I was glad to read that sometimes narrative at the start of a script is a good entry point. I always worry that I am writing the director's bit and try to shorten it.
How old is your grand-daughter?

March 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEileen

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